Shacky Homebrew Kit

R2100,00 inc. VAT

When you can’t buy Shacky’s, you brew your own at home, bru!

Did you know that we collaborated with Beerguevara in the first lockdown (booze ban) to create this epic homebrew kit? We designed the kit and the recipe!

The latest ‘Family Meeting’ from our beloved Uncle Cyril has confirmed that we’re in Lockdown Level 4 and as such we are unable to trade our craft draughts or vodka iced teas. But, he never said that we can’t sell you homebrew kits for you to brew your own beer!

If we’ve learnt anything from previous lockdowns and prohibitions then it’s unlikely that this will only be a 14-day lockdown (I know, I know…). This kit was designed by us to ensure that you can get the same tasting Shackleton quality you know all too well.

Last year we made banana bread, this year we brew beer. So, pick up a new hobby whilst you are stuck at home and enjoy your Shackleton homebrews this lockdown!

Contents of Kit:
20L Brewpot & Lid
Support Tray (Used to drain the brew bag)
Support Ring
Brew Bag Designed to Fit 20l Pot
25L Fermentor Bucket
15ml Iodophor solution (sanitiser)
Spirit Thermometer
Bottling sugar
Siphon pipe
Pre-milled grain mix for a 15L batch (Shackleton’s Easy Ale)
Hops (East Kent Goldings, Simcoe, Citra)
Yeast (US-05)

This is the “lightest” of the 3 Ales available and closest to a Lager-style beer that we have at the moment in the 15L kits.

Tasting Notes:
Appearance: Clear Golden/Orange colour, stable white head.
Aroma: Sweet hop Aroma, clean and inoffensive citrus notes.
Flavour: Light ale style, nice balance of malty sweetness and hoppy bitterness, slight ready character.
Mouthfeel: Balanced and smooth, light and sessional body.

IBU: 25.22
ABV: 5.2%
OG: 1.048
FG: 1.009

This is an easy-drinking session beer. We have created it with summer in mind, one to sit back and drink in quick succession. Let’s #GetShacked.


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